Are you experiencing oxidative stress?
The oxidation process happens as our bodies metabolize the oxygen that we breath and our cells produce energy from it. This process also produces free radicals – molecules that interact with the molecules within our cells, resulting in damage (or stress) to nearby cells, mitochondria and DNA.
Free radicals are normal and necessary to some degree. In addition to causing some damage, they also stimulate repair and healing. Only when so many free radicals are produced and overwhelm the repair processes will it become an issue. That is what we call oxidative stress.
Oxidative stress will age your skin prematurely at best; at worst, it can cause disease and infection, memory loss, impaired vision, grey hair, grey skin and fat deposits in the tummy area.
Alas, I am here to find solutions, not problems. How can we reduce the effects of oxidative stress on the skin, mind and body?
Reducing the effects of Oxidative Stress
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Sex that ends in an orgasm causes a surge of happy hormones to be released. Serotonin, oxytocin, endorphins and vasopressin are all released to calm and relax us and induce a deeper and more content sleep.
When it comes to understanding how essential sleep is for our general health and well being, I always turn to Matthew Walker, the best selling author of "Why We Sleep."
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Here are some of his tips for a great nights sleep
- Find a routine
- Cut the late-night cardio
- Reduce caffeine and nicotine consumption
- Tamp down on the alcohol
- Leave time to unwind
- Warm Baths before bedtime
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We can literally eat our way out of oxidative stress by including more plant-based food in our diet. Foods containing sulphur like kale and spinach are particularly effective as they ignite our glutathione levels. To learn more about the Queen antioxidant, Glutathione, refer to last weeks email or click here.
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Hang out with your pet
Your furry friend will increase opportunities to exercise, get outside, and socialize. Regular walking or playing with pets can decrease blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and triglyceride levels. Pets can help manage loneliness and depression by giving us companionship. If you don't have a pet or dog, make friends with your neighbours' pets and offer to walk them.
If you have Netflix, please watch The Octopus Teacher. It will warm your heart and show you how love and friendship can develop in the most surreal environment. Have a box of tissues to hand.
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Although skincare formulations won't affect oxidation inside the body as they can't enter the blood, they will profoundly affect the skin. As a result of the medical-grade skincare formulations that we work with at Monica Tolan's, you can feed antioxidants to the only organ in the body that is visible. Turning the cells that were potentially going to oxidate to a healthy cell.
Obviously, our results will be better and more long term if you practice the above tips. But until then, fake it till you make it by continuing to feed your skin antioxidants and SPF. You will glow like you drink green smoothies for breakfast, sleep a solid 9 hours every night after making love to George Clooney...Well, one can dream, it is good for you after all x
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Hero Products

Our hero products are extra special this time as they have been selected by my mentor & head of education for Environ skincare & Advanced Nutrition program UK & Ireland Ms Claire Muir.
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Colostrum Gel
formulation, suitable for even the most sensitive & broken skin, this light textured ointment will sooth, hydrate & nourish the skin while promoting healing.
Perfect for pregnant clients, I personally used this ointment to prepare my breasts for feeding on both of my girls & had a wonderful lactating experience with no irritation to the nipples. Idea for pregnancy acne & inflammation. I’ve used this to sooth & heal scrapes & abrasions on the kids skin & my own. Due to its anti bacterial & antiviral properties, it’s also my go to for cold sores...fall in love with colostrum, I know I have 💖
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Environ, The Body Duo
As we pave the way for the arrival of the much-anticipated Contour body cream from Environ skincare, I had to shout out the OG of Environ, The Body Duo. A formidable pair that seems to solve whatever issue is presented to them. A lethal combination of lactic acid and Vit A, C & E in an oil formula.
The Dream, of course, would for this to be in one bottle, but if packaged together, these ingredients would compromise their stability. So we simply cocktail them and apply...ANYWHERE YOU WISH. These products love healthy skin, and they will bulldoze their way through any skin issue you are experiencing.
NB Not suitable for our pregnant ladies
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[column finish][row finish] PS. I’ve a huge announcement to make really soon! I’m so excited [sec finish]

Meet the Skin Expert Team:
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My name is Shauna, I am from County Carlow and I work for Monica Tolans Skin Clinic in Malahide for the past 2 years. My love for skin started in secondary school, when I constantly watched skin care videos and I would notice large amounts of students and teachers struggle with skin difficulties such as acne, eczema, rosacea etc and wanting to be able to help people with these problems which was my future aim. In 5th year, I decided that I definitely wanted to work in the skin industry in the future.
I graduated from Coogan Bergin College in Dublin City Centre, where I achieved my qualifications in CIBTAC & CIDESCO, all things beauty and skin care, but I always knew skin care was my main focus.
As part of my case study in my thesis I studied how environ skincare treats the skin and learned so much from Corinna’s Instagram which I always followed throughout the years because I was and still am amazed by Corinna’s knowledge.
After I graduated I seen that Monica Tolans Malahide was looking for a therapist and I applied and with luck I was hired and I am very grateful to be able to work under Monica Tolan’s name!
My favourite aspect from working in Monica Tolans is the training and knowledge that you learn constantly while working with a great group of colleagues, which I’m lucky enough to call my friends.
My favourite treatment is CST needling, as I know every client will see results whether it is the difference in scaring, fine lines/wrinkles or just overall skin health.
The most important objective with all my clients is to ensure they are improving their skin health and noticing huge results.
I am so grateful for all my past and current clients and hopefully will help loads of new clients reach their results in the future whether it’s in clinic or over the phone in our amazing virtual online services.
I wish you all the best!
Kind Regards, Shauna